Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I got my tickets for SENZ

YAY!! I'm so excited to be going. I got the 3 day pass and the airplane tickets. I have to try to save a little spending $$. Now I just have to count down the days till October! I'm such an impatient creature - lol!
I was trying to create an avatar before and discovered a neat wee site that made me into a book cover - a romance cover to boot! I also found one that lets me write a newspaper article - will have to try that at a later date! I needed the avatar to update mine on the SE forums. Michele had challenged us to 'show ourselves' hmmmm.... LOL - anyway I couldnt for the life of me figure out how to get my picture smaller than 6kb! So I googled! Wonderful creation Google. I can find anything I want and so quickly. Of course you do tend to find lots of distracting, useless, neat sites as well - but that I think is part of the beauty of the World Wide Web!
This is my layout for the July 07 challenge over at SE. I'm circle nutty at the moment and have added to my wishlist a big circle cutter - not a coluzzle but the big ones I've seen in the magazines.

Take a minute for Jessica tonight - her mouse died this morning. She is pretty unhappy about it and has said no more mice! (thank goodness) . She doesn't like the idea of pets at the moment - they are so 'fickle'. Her kitten is being Leo's shadow at the moment. At least the fish are impartial.

When a Pet Dies

When a pet dies, that special place in our hearts
feels so empty...
But we realize, as time passes, that animals have
a way of teaching us about loving, about
loyalty, joy, and friendship...
And whatever we've shared in their presence can never
really be lost.



Anonymous said...

looks good seeing real people in those avatars, although I feel I should change mine to b and w since eveyone else has lol. Sorry Jess to hear about your wee mouse. Julie love that Birthday layout. Hmmm I should give this challenge a go. Have fun at SENZ.

Anonymous said...

Great that you've got everything booked for SENZ! I bet you'll have a blast. I need to go to one - I've never been!
Definitely going to check out that cool book cover site - sounds fun!
So sorry to hear about Jess's mouse - poor wee girl! It's so hard when a pet dies.
Awesome birthday layout, too!

Anonymous said...

Love your birthday layout! Really do need to get my A into G and onto that challenge!! Love your circles!.... I'm finding the old CM cutting system pretty good for different sizes right now.... but are there BIGGER circle cutters out there??! lol

I was wondering why everyone had new avatars all of a sudden!

Mrs Frizz said...

Love that birthday layout - cool.

To my wee friend, affectionately named little Miss J.J. - you poor wee thing ... big hugs ... thinking of you. Sometimes things happen as we grow up, sometimes events that make us sad and sometimes events that make us happy. I hope that you have far more happy times in your life young lady. Chin up.
Thinking of you.

Unknown said...

oh Jess I am so sorry to hear about your mouse.

Julie ,I have my tickets for Senz arranged too.Hooray.I hear about waiting for October.Hey we will have to catch up in Chch.