Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Watching a Lunar Eclipse

Jessica and Josef were allowed to stay up and watch the moon enter the earths shadow. The weather down here was perfect for watching the eclipse, but right at the end high cloud blew in and we didn't see as much of the red moon as we would have liked. The children were absolutely thrilled with this experience and full of amazing questions about what was happening.

Moon Names Many cultures had names for the various full moons throughout the year. Some of the most common are:
January - cold moon, wolf moon
February - trappers moon, snow moon, hunger moon
March - windy moon, storm moon
April - growing moon, rain moon
May - planting moon, flower moon
June - green corn moon, strawberry moon
July - ripe corn moon, hay moon, thunder moon
August - lightening moon, sturgeon moon
September - harvest moon, big feast moon
October - hunters moon, falling leaf moon
November - dark moon, beaver moon
December - snow moon, winter moon, long night moon


Anonymous said...

it was an awesome experience for them to watch

Neen and Mike said...

WOW! YOu got good photos! :( Our little camera wasn't up to the task!

Anonymous said...

So cool that you got to see it!!! And the photos are FABULOUS! The weather up here was soooooo atrocious last night (hail, pelting rain, wind) so there was no chance of seeing it :-(

I bet the kids will remember this for a long time! Hope they take the photos to school for news!

Rochelle said...

Glad you got a great view, we thought we would miss it due to high cloud but got a good view later in the evening. So glad you let your kids stay up for it, I remember a solar esclipse when I was young. It was very exciting. Great photo too, I tried but my camera got nothing.

Unknown said...

Cool photo's Julie,I haven't checked ours yet.

Hey just wanted to let you know that you were drawn to Play it Forward with us on my blog.So you will have some Happy Mail soon.