Last night we went to St Teresa's for the school leavers mass. It was so awesome to see the kids going up to get their "Children of the Light" candles lit by Father Hamish.
As each child went up to receive their candle and graduation certificate the child's teacher had a little to say about each child. Mrs Diane McFaul, who was Josef's teacher this year said this "Josef has a wicked sense of humour and is constantly teasing me and others in the class. He is kind to others and is reliable and responsible. He accepts and takes on challenges. He loves to draw and really enjoys graphics on the computer. Well done and good luck Josef."
All of Josef's teachers he has had at St Patricks have taken a very shy, withdrawn little boy who had major social and learning problems and shaped him into the bright, funny young boy he is now. For sure there have been some rocky moments but the teachers have persevered and each of them have given Josef the most solid foundations of which Josef will build his life on.
Thank you St Patricks.
Thank you Diane McFaul
Thank you Julie McElhinney
Thank you Trevor Morton
Thank you Caroline Rout.
Thank you Diane McFaul
Thank you Julie McElhinney
Thank you Trevor Morton
Thank you Caroline Rout.
Teachers are expected to reach unattainable goals with inadequate tools. The miracle is that at times they accomplish this impossible task. (Haim G. Ginott)