Sunday, December 16, 2007

Counting down

sure does make the time go faster - not long until the jolly fat man who has caused a serious dent in our wallets drops in. My children are sitting on the fence as to whether they still believe. Jessie put it best - she visited Santa and told me he wasn't real because she could see his black eyebrows under his white ones!! I asked her what did she believe then and after a moments thought "I believe in the magic Mummy because Christmas makes us all so happy and we get to see all of our big family."
Yeah Jessie I still believe in the magic, its wonderful isnt it?

Anyway believe it or not I managed to find the time to plot, plan and create this layout for the Jack Me Up team.
The photos are a year old, but sometimes it takes a challenge to motivate me to use photos that can stump me. It turned in to a double page spread - but it was a perfect way to use the many, many photos I took that day.
A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside...
when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time
and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.

1 comment:

Monique said...

Woohoo a double!! Just amazing and great to get all the pics you wanted to use on one layout..thanks for getting this done at such a busy time of the year Julie...