Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Nobody trips over mountains.
It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble.
Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.

Its been a while since my last post, I haven't been doing to well with my depression lately and it has a flow on effect with the rest of my life - lousy, rotten cycle.
I thank God daily for my family, my husband it quite literally my ROCK! I haven't been very much here mentally.
Anyway, I'm feeling soooo much better now. Except my hand - I burnt 3 fingers and my thumb last night pouring soup - then I cut 2 fingers on the same hand - I have given my hand permission to have the night off - Leo has done the dishes! (well he loaded the dishwasher!)

I had to take a short break right now I just could not stop laughing - Josef was playing silly with Leo in the kitchen and he went to kick a ping pong ball but his shoe flew off and smashed the cover of the florescent light (on the ceiling) - Jos looked at me and said "I'm going to bed now!" I went into the kitchen and Leo is standing there with a gobsmacked expression - then we both just laughed! Poor Jos was so upset he had broken something! I can handle accidents, I loath purposely done destruction - and Josef's reaction was pure grief - how can you growl? I did - but only because he had his shoes on inside and we have a shoes off policy!

So to update whats been happening in our lives lately - hmmmmm......

We finally got our new garage roof put on!! Yay!! Only 6 months after accepting the quote - then it takes a day to do the job - go figure! We needed this new roof because the old one leaked - and if my scrapbook room is going in there - it is forbidden to leak!! If you pardon the windows - they need cleaned on the outside - LOL - this is before...and this is after! This garage roof is the view I have from my kitchen sink so I'm pleased its looking nice and clean and I love that green!We bought a new car - okay its old (1990) but its sooo economical to run around in. My other car is an Honda Odyssey - 7 seater and a dream to drive - but it chews through petrol like it was lolly water. The only down side the new/old car - its a Honda Accord, is that its a manual - I have been driving an automatic for the last 10 years. So it was to Jess and Josef's complete and utter delight the first time I got behind the wheel. Leo kept a straight face - good man - but the kids were in the back seat laughing their little troll heads off! Then Ashleigh and Steven followed me when I went to pick up the kids from school - I am so pleased to report I didn't bunnyhop once!

Brooke has started solids - bit sad because it only highlights how quickly babies grow and change! She wasn't terribly impressed with her introduction to the high chair - LOLand putting that 'goo' in her mouth was just so funny - she was so startled by the whole episode! She is just a wee poser now and loves to smile this totally yummy gummy grin.Ashleigh is doing such a fabulous job being Brookes mum! I'm quite proud of how she copes. Mind it helps that Brooke is such a delightfully, easy baby.I have had a couple of stabs at scrapbooking, I love these 4 pages but a couple of other need redone as its a case of 'what was she thinking?!?"
Josef started playing soccer last week! he plays for Thistle and he just loves it. He had his first game on Saturday and he was such a little dynamo - darting around the field. He got Player of the day -much to his utter delight. He was thrown in the deep end - he has never played before, but he quickly picked it up and made such a wonderful save by the goal! I had to laugh though when he was by 2 boys, 1 boys headed the ball and up it went, the next boy headed it and over it went to Josef. Josef looked at the ball and ducked! Leo used to play soccer, but he hasn't played since he had his leg broken when Josef was 2 years old. I cringe when I think of the power in a mans kick that it can snap a leg bone. Leo is thinking of playing again!!! He just loved watching Josef play.I'm off to go do Hannahs circle journal - "Advice to my younger self" I had a bit of giggle looking for photos for this one - and had to share this - I was a sucker for the big hair and perms and I loved big glasses!! At least my old albums are entertaining !Don't Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
When you want to smile but you have to sigh,
When cares are pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must,
but don't you quit!

Life is strange with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won if he stuck it out

Don't you give up though the pace seems slow,
You might succeed with another blow,
Often the goal is nearer than
It ever seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And, he learned too late, with a groan and frown,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
You never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So, stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worse that you must not quit.

- unknown


Mrs Frizz said...

Well then, no wonder you haven't been blogging - life has been just busy enough - a new roof - woo hoo - can't be too long before Leo gets the walls up and you will be moving lock, stock and barrel into your new scrapping abode - perhaps I should say scrapping home - lol!

Congratulations to young Josef on his player of the day - how cool is that.

Love the layouts - little Miss Brooke is growing up very quickly and love the layout of your birthday celebrations ... too cute ...

Meg McKenzie said...

Hey Julie - glad to hear the sun is shining again especially through your new scrapbook room - WAHOO!!! Goodness that wee Brooke is a gorgeous wee dot!

Steeped in Beautea said...

wow that was a lot of catch up to catch up on. Wow Brooke is growing up so fast. Oh a new scrapping space how exciting. Good on J for getting player of the day.

Hannah said...

HUGE post, Julie! I'm sorry you've been having a rough time lately. Depression sucks, I know! And "ouch" at the burns and cuts on your hand - hope they are healing up nicely.

Well done Josef on getting player of the day! You must be very proud, and rightly so!

My, isn't Brooke growing up quickly?! It seems like only a few weeks ago you were posting her newborn pictures.

Very exciting to hear about your new scrapbook room - it is SO great having your own space!

Beverley said...

Just catching up on you, and what a lot to catch up on! I hope your hand injuries don't stop you from scrapping - hope they heal fast too. And yes, as the others before have said - Brooke is sooooooo cute and up to solids already, time flies!