Sunday, May 27, 2007

Brookes Big Day

Please God...

Grant this little child Your love
As each new day appears,
Grant the parents guidance
And wisdom though out the years -
Smile down upon this christening
And in Your loving way
Let Your presence gently bless
This little one today.

Brooke was baptized today. Another milestone! She was such a little angel. She spent the entire time staring at Father Hamish with the hugest eyes, then a wee gummy grin for those watching her - then back to the serious stare... During the lighting of the candle she started to chatter, which was so sweet. It was a very small affair, just family and 3 of Ashleigh's friends who have bothered to keep in touch with her - 1 of which was so delighted to be asked to be a godmother - she went out and bought Brooke 2 gorgeous wee Pumpkin Patch outfits - LOL - I can see a bit of spoiling going to happen here!

We also had a big family lunch today for a combined Leo and Josef birthdays. I just love this photo of Josef!!
What a full on weekend...I'm so not looking forward to this full time course - I just don't know how working mums do it - keep the house, work and still look fab! I keep telling myself its just for a week...


Mrs Frizz said...

You keep telling yourself that ... it's only for a week. Have fun and enjoy yourself.

Anonymous said...

the coruse is only a week and give yourself permission to let some things go thisweek. No use stressing about it all. SOunds like a lovley family affair yesterday with Brooke being baptized.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful family occasion - just beautiful.

I agree with the others, it is only a week and like Janine said you can let some things go for just a few days. I'm sure things will be fine - and you might even enjoy yourself!