Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fast Five

Colour: Green
Food: Salmon
Magazine: Simple Scrapbooks
Song: The Power of Your Love
Movie: Whats Eating Gilbert Grape.

What are your favourite Fast Fives?

I completed a layout this afternoon for Jessica, after reading the Hannah and Debbie's comments I don't feel so bad about seeming to scrap a certain person for a while.I just love the way this page turned out. I am really in love with those paint daubers - I've used raspberry and espresso to colour just about every edge seen - LOL!

I was reading this weeks issue of Womans Day and came across a very provoking article on The Surrendered Wife. I was a bit concerned at how it seemed the woman in the article had become a living doormat. I admit I'm uncomfortable with the theory that the woman must always defer to the male and never question him at all. It all seems very one way street to me.
I talked about this with Leo and while he said he would love to have me be a little more 'subservant' (note: he said this while backing out the door - with a huge grin on his face), he thinks our marriage works well because we are partners. We each have our own 'jobs' to do but we also have no problem helping each other out if we need. We discuss things, we have rules and we respect each others decisions. We have the occasionally blow up but we always sort it out.
My religion teaches me that my husband is the head of the household. I have no problem with this because he cherishes me. Leo can be a cave man in his mentality some days but the bottom line is he really doesn't think he could cope if I was to suddenly become a 'surrendered wife' - I think he'd kinda prefer more "Desperate Housewife' diva ;o)
Okay if this 'surrendered wife' works for some people - wonderful. Each to their own.
I just personally believe it takes 2 to make a marriage work. Marriage is a blessing, it can be hard work but each day is one more block in building a solid foundation. Having a healthy sense of humour helps as well :o)


Anonymous said...

Nice layout Julie. Love the colours. As for that article I am so not a surrendered wife and could never be. When Mike and I talked about living together those are the sorts of things we talked about. When I decided to study I thought I might have to take over more of the household chores and Mike said no. Because in his eyes studying full time was work. I am just pleased that we do have a partnership that works for us and respects each other.

Anonymous said...

I read that article too, Julie. I feel pretty much the same way you do about it! Like you say, my husband is the head of our home (my Christian faith taught me that) but in NO way am I a surrendered wife!! We are partners. We each do our share, and there are certainly no expectations of either one of us. I completely agree with you, it is a 2-way street and I can't understand how somebody could be a doormat like that woman seemed to be. The most interesting thing was that she wasn't always like that - she hadn't grown up with a mother like that, she had decided to change on her own. Which is very unusual, I think. But hey, whatever works for her! I couldn't do it, that's for sure!

LOVE that layout - the colours are so pretty and I bet Jessica loves this page!!

Mrs Frizz said...

That page is awesome ... haven't read the article in the mag that you spoken about - must do that ... door mat - ME - NOPE!!!!!

LOL about Leo backing out the door - can certainly picture that ..

Did I tell you that I love that layout of little Miss J.J. herself - gorgeous.

Unknown said...

Wow Jess is Beautiful!!!!Great l/o.I love the papers.