Sunday, March 25, 2007

And the week that was...

What a week - its been flat out and it flew!
I've been so busy doing things that I had so little time to sit and contemplate the computer screen! But at least its clean! In fact my whole house sparkles. I am one of these housewives who about 4 times a year completely overhaul the entire house - then my housework is so easy form then on. When it starts getting harder to keep the home tidy I know its time to have the "big clean" Rachel actually triggered this clean - LOL -she lost her keys! During the hunt for them we were getting mauled by dust bunnies! They were big! I think the worst culprit is the wool carpet throughout the house has had its day and its breaks in little fibres - makes for nasty dust!My scrapbook room got overhauled as well - I'm absolutely thrilled to bits with the result. I found things in that room that I didn't know I had! Thats, my friends, its down right embarrassing!
I've also had a few birthdays to celebrate lately - my niece was 21!! Happy 21st Lynette!I made this canvas fore Lynette - there is supposed to be a little accordion style album in the corner but it is at her flat! The canvas it is still at her mum and dads - LOL - safer there I think!Callan - my wee friend from across the road was 5 - he looked so adorable in his uniform on his first day of school I couldn't resist this shot!A my wee sweetheart Brooke has learnt to turn on the charm! Does it rather well dont you think!
I have my mother-in-law staying for a few days, she had an minor operation for kidney stones and hasn't bounced back as well as she would have like (this is a very stubborn dutch woman we are talking about here - LOL) - the children love having her here, and its been good for her to be able to put her feet up and relax. I'm so blessed my mother-in-law and I have a great relationship - I've heard horror stories about mother-in-laws from hell! But she is so determined not to 'put us out' that we have to growl at her to ask for things!!

And thats is the week that was - in a nut shell!!

Now is the only time there is. Make your now wow, your minutes miracles, and your days pay. Your life will have been magnificently lived and invested, and when you die you will have made a difference.
--Mark Victor Hansen


Mrs Frizz said...

Wow - you have been a busy little beaver - sparkles is right. Well done you!

Love the canvas and I'm sure that you niece does as well ...

Your scrap room is way too neat and tidy.

Hope Oma's health is improving ... say 'hi' to her from me.

Mrs Frizz said...
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Janine said...

Waves to you, hello Julie. YA scrap room looks good and I too am like you and do the clean thing at the start of each season. Have to say I am behind with the Autumn clean, due to study. Love that canvas. Just remember to slow down a bit and take some "you time"

tanyaleigh said...

Sounds like you have been busy Julie. I had a cleaning week this week also. Trying to get alot done before this next week as it's soooo busy. Your scrap room looks fab and I love the canvas, very cool. I hope your mother in law is feeling better soon. Take care

Hannah said...

Far out, you have been busy!! But your scrap room looks AWESOME and I'm jealous of how much space you've got ;-)

Love the canvas you made for your neice, and it looks like she was pretty chuffed with it as well.

Hopefully you can have a more restful week now that your housework is all up-to-date!