Sunday, December 17, 2006


went into premature labour last night! Thankfully it slowed and then stopped altogether at about midnight. I am very eager to see my grandchild but not 5 weeks early! Ashleigh is so annoyed - she feels really conned that she could go through that much pain and it just fades away!
Jessica is so cross that she is not yet an auntie! Josef asked Leo - "When is Ashleigh going to hatch her child" Leo's reply "I guess when she is ready to lay the egg!" OMG! LOL.


Mrs Frizz said...

Don't kids say that darndest things. Tell Ashleigh to hang in there for a wee while longer - at least until the New Year ... take care.

Hannah said...

Oh wow! Excitement in your household then! I'm glad they were able to stop the labour, sounds like bubs needs to "cook" for a bit longer! ;-)