Sunday, December 10, 2006

So much for the surge protector!

I had 2 power failures today, the first while I was on the internet. It was for a split second - didnt even upset the clocks around the house - but shut the computer down! All afternoon I have been having issue after issue with the computer, things have moved, won't open, the fonts on my browser have changed. I have a friend coming tomorrow to check out the computer but this is beyond a joke....wish me luck!

1 comment:

Delys said...

Oh no Julie! Yep weve had probs with surge protectors before..have you got the one that does both the telephone line (if youre on dial up that is lol) and the electrical? We had a cheapie and didnt have both. It fried our computer!
Loving your blog Julie! You have been a busy little bee loading it up..well done!