Friday, February 2, 2007

A whole month

has just flown by! The kids are back to school next week. I know a lot of people are saying the holidays are to long, but for us its gone so quick. I think the older the children are the easier life gets (to a certain degree) - Jess and Jos can do for themselves and entertain themselves and we all love the sleep ins - LOL. I do think they are looking forward to going back to school - they miss the structure and learning and challenge of school. I got all the books covered and stationery dealt with last night - I love the smell of brand new leather shoes! I run out of duraseal but had a roll of clear coverseal - we decided to raid my scrap book papers and cover the last of the books that way - I thought they turned out rather well - LOL.And Brooke is a month old! Already! She is a total cutie - but has Ashleigh tired as! The babe has got day and night confused! She is more alert when she is awake and has even smiled for me!! She responds so well to the light on my camera and turns to it - how cool is that? The photo below was taken on the 31st - I was playing with the camera and she smiled!! But it was out of focus - gotta love Picasa!


Janine said...

wow a month as gone so fast...she's adorable. Love the books you covered. Hope you have had a great long weekend.

Christi said...

Wow, I too can't believe it's been a month! But I'm sure Ashleigh feels like it's been forever lol. When you are living it, nothing goes by fast in those early stages lol.

Love the books too! What a good idea for using your paper to cover them. I must remember this when my girls are old enough to have workbooks lol.

Hannah said...

That month has gone so quickly! Well, for us anyway lol. I'm sure Ash is tired but she's doing so well, what a gorgeous little girl Brooke is. And "this too shall pass". Tell her that, it got me through the hard months :-)

Great books and layouts, too! You've been extremely busy while I've been away! ;-)