Friday, January 12, 2007

Been so lovely down here

even thought the weather is forecast for rain, we haven't seen any.. and its fabulous. Certainly helps time fly!
I can not believe how this week has zoomed by - Leo goes back to work next week!! Its been bliss having him home for the last 3 weeks, every morning has been a Sunday morning, lazy and relaxed.
I am going to find it hard to get back into the 7am rise and shine, but I like getting up with Leo and saying doei every morning, makes my day start on the right foot.
This week has been a mix of sun, fun and wood chopping. Leo and my dad went out 3 afternoons and dug some bog wood up and split it, stacked it all ready for winter.
Brooke is home with her mum and dad after 2 nights in hospital, my gosh she is a lovely shade of pink now! Jessica can't get enough of this little madam and I love this photo!My kids and Rachel's boys had a bit of a blast on the water slide... it was quite funny watching Kaleb... he wouldn't actually slide, but he would wait his turn and then run down the slope! The pool went up for the first time this summer, now it needs cleaned, yucky, yucky job! I think we will give serious thought to buying a bigger pool and investing in a pump and all the bits and pieces so we don't have to keep draining and cleaning the smaller one.I took several shots like this one - trying in vain to convince Kaleb to smile for me - he would sit and he would pose - but he would NOT look at the camera and smile - 2 year olds!!!!My drink of the moment is this divine Caramel Iced Frappe. I make it in the blender with a sachet of Nescafe Frappe and trim milk, ice cubes and pottle of Weight Watchers Ice cream. Makes 2 and just hits the spot on a hot summer afternoon. For the indulgence side of it I add a squirt of lite whipped cream and a shake of chocolate.


Janine said...

pleased to hear that Brooke is a lovley shade of pink! That drink looks great.

Hannah said...

OMG that frappe looks divine!! YUMMO! I wonder how many WW points it would be ...

I'm so glad that Brooke's jaundice is gone, and yes that photo of her & Jess is TOO CUTE!

Meg McKenzie said...

I wished I liked coffee, that frappe looks yummo!