Thursday, January 25, 2007

I miss Josef

He is away at Nokomai with his Oma and Opa but this year, these summer holidays I have grown so used to having him near me, making his little Josef comments, questioning everything. I think I will dread him going back to school next month, even though know he needs to - he is getting bored - the holidays are dragging on and he needs the stimulation that school brings.
I got all sentimental and was going through his baby photos - so many still to scrap but he has grown up so much!I am so lucky to have Josef in my life, he has taught me so much. He is a bright boy who has been bumped up a year - which means this year could be his final year in primary school.
He was such a beautiful baby, all that hair and those bright, bright eyes! Then he got sick with a skin disorder and became so very ill with Cushing's Syndrome. My beautiful son's face grew round and swollen and hairy. But in the photos I have from this time in his life - he always has a huge smile on his face! We were constantly at doctors, at specialists and at the hospital with Josef - he was tested over and over.
But he was blessed because it went away, his skin cleared up and gradually his steroid levels dropped and he slowly became well again. He still visits the doctor every 6 months for a growth check as his growth was stunted by this syndrome and he was quite small for a long, long time.
Jessica weighs the same as Josef - she is not impressed!
Then at 3 years he was diagnosed with his hearing loss. He wasn't talking, he withdrew and wouldn't join in with anything. When he started school he had the help of a Itinerant teacher (Gretchen or Karen), and over the years he has changed from shy, withdrawn little boy to the naughty, mischievous little ratbag he is now. I think the first time I was told he had been naughty in class we actually laughed! Unfortunately he still has a tendency to be naughty - he gets bored easily and "switches" off - I remember one teacher asking me if he was autistic because he could zone out so completely. No he isn't autistic, he has mild behaviour issues, he has trouble with social rules, he gets obsessed with things etc - he questions everything and I mean everything. He has taught me never to take things for granted - don't accept things just because everyone does. Wonder what makes things work, obsess about something for a while if you want, people will still love you when your done! Have a dry sense of humour and enjoy life when it throws curveballs - poke fun at it. Make good friends and make them last forever.
He will be home on Sunday, and wont have missed me at all - Nokomai is just to much fun. But I miss that wee dude something fierce tonight!


Janine said...

not long until he is home Julie. Loved yout tool time layout very cute. I was looking hard for the mouse in the last layout and erlaised uit was int eh red ball thingy. Lovely post you should scrap that....about how you miss him.

Hannah said...

What a beautiful post, Julie! I have a tear in my eye right now after reading about how much you love Josef and what a special person he is. He sounds like a really neat kid! I bet he DID miss you and like Janine said, not long until he's home again :-)

Julie said...

LOL Janine - I can handle the mouse as long as its not running free. Leo drew the background for the tooltime layout - its a 2 page spread.
Thanks Hannah - he is a cool kid. Capable of driving a saint to distraction but he still gives me hugs!!